As we continue getting started with this ministry I want to address a simple question that you may be thinking. “What do I need to do?” Our answer, “Nothing.” Really, you don’t have to do anything. Ok, that may not be exactly right, but you don’t have to do anything we tell you to do. You don’t have to read any of our posts to have a good, godly family. You don’t have to listen to any of our upcoming podcasts or watch any of our videos to make it as a good Christian family. You just need a good Bible preaching church and the Word of God. However, while I have been blessed with these things, I have always had extra help along the way. That is the desire I have for this new venture. I want to give families some encouragement to pray together. I want to give some new ideas on how to spend your family time. I want to give you creative ways to serve your church and community as a family. So, you don’t have to do anything about what we say. But, if you would like, you can join us for the ride. We are in the “trenches” of family raising. We will make mistakes. We have made mistakes. Yet, we are striving daily to fulfill God’s calling for us in our home. The main thing is “do something.” Your family will not raise itself. Don’t coast. Don’t just let it happen. “Do something.” We will have many ideas coming soon. Stay tuned.
-Seth Robinson